10 Steps to Detoxified Living

As promised, here is our 10 Steps to Detoxified Living. Unsure if a detox is right for you, or have questions about detoxification? See Is Your Detox Helping or Hurting You for more information.1) PlanThis takes time. Take the next 1-3 months to incorporate these recommendations into your daily life. Consider targeting one step to implement each week. Take the time to plan ahead, shop and prepare real foods.2) HydrateDrink enough water to maintain light colored urine. This will be about 1 ounce per # of body weight.

  • Fresh fruit infused water, especially water with fresh lemon juice
  • Sparkling flavored water
  • Limit coffee to less than 1-2 cups a day. For an energy boost, reach toward green tea and yerba matte.

3) Ramp Up the Vegetables

  • Include 3 cups of leafy greens with every meal
  • Include cruciferous vegetables daily. These include broccoli, cabbage, arugula, kale, Brussels sprouts & cauliflower
  • Put 3 different color vegetables on your plate at each meal
  • Try a green drink for breakfast or a snack
  • Need ideas? Check out our recipes and cookbooks for inspiration! This green drink is a great way to pack in the veggies

4) Get Picky about CarbsChoose unprocessed carbohydrate dense foods like fruit, starchy vegetables, whole grains and legumes instead of processed flour based foods like bread, cereal, crackers, tortillas, cookies and pasta.5) Choose Nourishing ProteinGo for organic meat, eggs, poultry and tofu. Prioritize wild-caught fish like salmon, sardines, cod and tilapia. Watch out for large fish high in mercury such as tuna and makerel.6) Don’t Forget the FatChoose nourishing fats such as olives, avocado, raw nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil & unsweetened coconut. Avoid inflammatory fats such as soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil, including any processed food, salad dressing or margarine made with these oils. Experiment with making salad dressing from scratch, including olive oil, vinegar, spices and herbs. Or, try one of these healthier bottled versions.7) Say No to Sugar & Alcohol

  • Avoid sweetened beverages
  • Check out our Nourishing Desserts cookbook for tasty, no sugar added treats
  • Watch out for added sugar in sauces, marinades, salad dressings, baked goods, cereals, granola and milk alternatives
  • Try out soda water with bitters and lemon juice for a refreshing ‘cocktail’

8) Get Rid of Toxins & Inflammatory FoodsBecome a food label detective by avoiding these ingredients:

  • Hydrogenated oil
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, splenda, sucralose, saccharine, acesulfame-k)
  • Food dyes
  • Carmel color
  • MSG
  • Nitrates and nitrates in processed meats
  • Chemical preservatives, including potassium bromate, propyl gallate, BHA, BHT, sodium benzoate, sodium bisulfite, sulfur dioxide and quinine
  • Genetically modified foods (all corn, soy, cottonseed and canola that is not labeled organic or non-GMO)

9) Decrease Environmental Exposure 

  • Choose organic foods. Unable to purchase everything organic? Prioritize produce on the The Dirty Dozen list. This is a yearly list of produce which was shown to have the highest levels of pesticide residue after washing.
  • Avoid genetically modified foods (GMOs). This includes corn, soy, cottonseed and canola oil unless labeled organic or non-GMO.
  • Use cleaning supplies & personal care products free of harmful chemicals. The Environmental Working Group is a great resource to find out what products are safe to use.

10) Seek SupportSeek out a friend, partner, family member or co-worker for accountability and support. These changes can be difficult but having someone to go to when you're feeling frustrated, lost or confused can make the process smoother.Feeling lost before you even begin? Meeting with a dietitian can provide you with specific ideas on how to detoxify your life.