Chinese Takeout...Revamped

One of my favorite comfort foods is Chinese takeout and I think it’s safe to say I’m not alone in the struggle to find nourishing options. In my attempt to make a healthier choice while ordering in, I recently came across a delicious dish of Chinese broccoli with garlic sauce. Let me tell you, Old Peking does not skimp on the garlic! The aroma and flavor packed into this dish was pleasantly surprising but I was also disappointed finding it drenched in oil (and likely not a healthy oil at that).This inspired me to create a Szechuan inspired veggie recipe to fulfill my craving for Chinese takeout. These green beans are in no way lacking flavor. It’s important to remember we can recreate our favorite foods at home in a healthier and often even tastier way. Have faith in your abilities to revamp those take-out favorites for the better. Try out these Szechuan Green Beans as proof. Proceed with caution, they have some kick![amd-zlrecipe-recipe:43]Variations: Serve over brown rice and top with stir-fried shrimp to make this a complete meal.