Cool Summer Treats

Summer time in Tucson, Arizona (or anyplace for that matter) can be a challenging time for any ice cream fanatic, myself included. While I fully support the mentality of moderation, as the heat rises we may find ourselves being a little less strict on what really qualifies as moderation. It may go from 1 scoop per week to 1 scoop per day and even 1 scoop per meal! When we find ourselves start to slip, a substitution may be our best way out of the deep end. Deprivation is not a healthy way to live, so go ahead, have your ice cream and eat it too! Learn how in our next free class.In July’s free class we’ll discuss ways to use whole foods to add sweetness to your frozen treats. Discover delicious ways to cool down without loading up on processed sugar—you will even get bonus nutritional benefits all in the process! This class goes beyond guilt-free frozen deserts by introducing nourishing treats that are sure to hook your taste buds.

 Cool Summer TreatsIt’s Free, Just RSVP!Wednesday, July 27th5:30 pm – 6:30 pm2970 N. Swan, Plaza Palomino Suite 220Seating is limited.To reserve your