Self-Love 101

It’s common for us to invest the majority of our time and energy into a laundry list of things (work, family, relationships, etc.). While this may bring us joy and a sense of accomplishment, it is crucial to our well-being that we find a balance between caring for ourselves and caring for others. Imbalance in our lives can lead to unnecessary stress, inflammation, poor sleep, and in turn, poor eating habits.Self-care and self-love may be new concepts to you. Self-care is the general concept of putting one’s self first. This practice will also improve the care you provide to those around you. An act of self-care can be as simple as taking time to do something you enjoy such as reading or drawing. Self-love is one aspect of self-care that must not be forgotten. Self-love involves identifying your true self and learning to love it unconditionally and without judgment. This can involve sending positive thoughts towards yourself and participating in activities that bring you joy. Self-care may feel uncomfortable and intimidating but beyond this discomfort is where you’ll find growth.Self-love is a big concept. Find a place to start, or deepen your commitment to positive self-care, with a self-love ritual. A self-love ritual is a powerful way to introduce compassion into your life. This month’s free class will guide each attendee to a self-love ritual that rings true to them. We will also discuss strategies to nourish your self-love ritual on a regular basis. This practice helps cultivate a joyful and confident YOU.It’s time we reclaim our health by treating ourselves with respect and compassion. Begin this journey in self-love by dedicating 1 hour on May 25 to your positive growth.

Self-Love 101It’s Free, Just RSVP!Wednesday, May 25th5:30 pm – 6:30 pm2970 N. Swan, Plaza Palomino Suite 220Seating is limited.To reserve your